Tag Archives: law

Identify As A SPOON-Order Signed, Federal Gov. Will Only Use Male OR Female.

READ the full order after article. I know this will hurt a lot of people and I personally understand all sides of the issue. Can you imagine, being in Germany, Italy or Japan as a Customs Agent and the Passport of the person you are looking at states: Citizenship: United States OF America Gender: Spoon … Continue reading Identify As A SPOON-Order Signed, Federal Gov. Will Only Use Male OR Female.

TikTok 4 Sale–Officially NEAR A BAN-UPHELD by U.S.

This is huge, TikTok is used by MANY people, personally and professionally! There’s a ton of content within it that can be reused regardless of copyright/patent law. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it? WHY/CLAIM? DATA IS SENT DIRECT TO CHINESE GOVERNMENT. instructions that determine the content displayed to users, based on data about how they engaged with … Continue reading TikTok 4 Sale–Officially NEAR A BAN-UPHELD by U.S.

$165 Million Fine for UnitedHealth Group

The LARGEST medical insurance company to date; $50 Million paid out to Consumers, $115 million in civil penalties as ordered by the office above the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act. Court Order Link Included! I believe the $115 Million should be directed towards Consumers, but hey, it’s some kind of win! HealthMarkets Inc, The Chesapeake Life … Continue reading $165 Million Fine for UnitedHealth Group

Florida Social Media Ban, Minors 14 and Under

Law Effective Date 01/01/2025! This is AWESOME! I FULLY AGREE! Although, this should be a nation wide law and extended to the legal working age of 15 ½, 16 and or 18 and under; Not 14! I myself grew up in a time before the internet and if you wished to use the webs in … Continue reading Florida Social Media Ban, Minors 14 and Under

Zelle Sued $870 Million-Chase/JPMorgan, BOA & Wells Fargo Failing To Prevent Fraud

SUED for $870 Million. Well now, we all use Zelle; I myself as well. But, it’s easy to get ripped off or money sent/lost. Catch, is, you can’t file a claim! That’s right. There’s no way to get your cash back. Will the following law suit hold or get tossed out? It’s just a shame, … Continue reading Zelle Sued $870 Million-Chase/JPMorgan, BOA & Wells Fargo Failing To Prevent Fraud