Category Archives: Political

Identify As A SPOON-Order Signed, Federal Gov. Will Only Use Male OR Female.

READ the full order after article. I know this will hurt a lot of people and I personally understand all sides of the issue. Can you imagine, being in Germany, Italy or Japan as a Customs Agent and the Passport of the person you are looking at states: Citizenship: United States OF America Gender: Spoon … Continue reading Identify As A SPOON-Order Signed, Federal Gov. Will Only Use Male OR Female.

Florida Social Media Ban, Minors 14 and Under

Law Effective Date 01/01/2025! This is AWESOME! I FULLY AGREE! Although, this should be a nation wide law and extended to the legal working age of 15 ½, 16 and or 18 and under; Not 14! I myself grew up in a time before the internet and if you wished to use the webs in … Continue reading Florida Social Media Ban, Minors 14 and Under

Elon Musk – Strength Against Government Spending!

Elon Musk – Strength Against Government Spending! Mr. Musk Wields Political Influence Amid Government Shutdown Talks IMPORTANT political news today, Mr. Musk displays his strength in spending. Forcing those back to the drawing board. in the middle of the government shut-down talks. Most importantly, he is using his platform, X to spread the news and … Continue reading Elon Musk – Strength Against Government Spending!